In-home Services in NYC

New York is the city of convenience-- from food delivery to recurring shipments of household supplies, at-home spa treatments, and haircuts, most day-to-day needs can be met in the comfort of home.

As New Yorkers age in place, more health and wellness services are available to those who are homebound or have difficulty getting out to appointments. Here are a few we've taken note of while working alongside clients in their homes.


House Call Doctor
New comprehensive care programs engage interdisciplinary teams including primary care physicians, social workers, and specialists who work together to gain a holistic view of patients' challenges.
Mount Sinai Visiting Doctors
Lenox Hill Hospital A Doctor at Your Door

Comprehensive Geriatric Care (Dr. Zeleznik)

Integrity Senior Services
AHA! At Home Attention therapist directory

Physical/Occupational/Speech Therapy
Outreach Rehab

Manhattan Home Podiatry (Dr. Nau)

Many local pharmacies offer home delivery for prescriptions and over-the-counter medications. Another helpful service commonly offered is pre-organization of pills into daily doses, for example, in a pill box.

Financial Organization
Eddy & Schein
AE Cares

Volunteer Companionship
DOROT Friendly Visiting Program
Visiting Neighbors

These are just a few of the many services available. Feel free to give us a call for more specific or localized resources. We also work with Aging Life Care Professionals who help navigate benefits and coordinate services, especially when primary care organizers are not local.